Saturday, February 10, 2007
  Global warming - We didn't listennn!
Was global warming the real reason Noah built his ark? No, don't be silly; God told him to.

Whether or not you believe in God, Noah, arks, global warming... or rising sea levels and atmospheric temperatures that will be the end of all humanity, the truth is that current evidence of climate change is already sufficient to have enacted certain people into building our own modern-era Ark. Presumably at a location that should be rather quite tropical and crop-friendly while the rest of the planet burns in hell.

Work starts on Arctic seed vault

LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Deep inside the Arctic Circle work is about to begin on a giant frozen Noah's Ark for food crops to provide a last bastion in the battle against global warming.

And within a year the first seeds of what will eventually be home for samples of all 1.5 million distinct varieties of agricultural crops worldwide will be tucked safely inside the vaults deep in a mountain on the archipelago of Svalbard.

There, at the end of a tunnel 120 meters into the side of a mountain, 80 meters above estimated sea levels even if all polar ice melts, and 18 degrees Celsius below freezing, they will stay like a bank security deposit.

Read full article here.

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