Sunday, February 07, 2010
  An Ode to Shannon Lowry
For a not-so-unusual reason, I always believed the "1 Follower" icon on my Blogger dashboard was always a reference to the Leech. That's why whilst updating my profile and curiously clicking on this for the first time, I was quite surprised to see that we do actually have a following of 1.

And since this icon has been on my dashboard for quite a long time, I think we owe it to Shannon a special commemoration of sorts. Because most people don't really read banner-less blogs.

We don't have much really. So please accept the gift of song.

What does it mean to 'follow' a blog? Do they get the posts delivered to their door? I think '1' is a good number - I want us to stay anonymous but not entirely redundant.
Oh...and I hope to have a banner ready for when you come back. Sorry for doing two separate comments, I know it's bad internet etiquette or whatever. See! I am the number 1 follower fo the blog.
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