Monday, October 27, 2008
  Palintology Sells Itself
From the Huffington Post:

"Thanks to YouTube -- and blogging and instant fact-checking and viral emails -- it is getting harder and harder to get away with repeating brazen lies without paying a price, or to run under-the-radar smear campaigns without being exposed.

But the McCain campaign hasn't gotten the message, hence the blizzard of racist, alarmist, xenophobic, innuendo-laden accusations being splattered at Obama.

And it seems that the worse McCain is doing in the polls, the more his team is relying on the same gutter tactics. So over the next 15 days, look for the McCain campaign to become even uglier. That's what happens when following Rovian politics is your only strategy -- and Rovian politics isn't working."

If you don't detect at least some truth amidst the parodies, pundits and countless videos on YouTube, the smoking gun that the McCain campaign have completely lost the plot with today's generation has got to be the fact that they are driving faster, harder with every failure on the same bearing of their campaign strategy; fear and smear. Arianna Huffington describes this as Rovian tactics, and it shows of McCain's people's inability to comprehend today's generation, nevermind trying to lead America's future, reinforcing my belief that they must be living in some pre-Google generation by daring to even ask in one recent campaign slogan "Who is Obama?" (If you can't Wikipedia "Barack Obama", you shouldn't be running for office)

Well according to some, he is unAmerican for being a terrorist, a muslim, and now the antichrist. Also did you know he's black?

Anyways, thanks to the internet I can watch Palin fumble on the issue of what a "terrorist" is, Michele Bachmann take the subject of the race riots in France and completely poop it out into such a mangled, factually flawed speech that I got the impression she thought she was playing "word association". France -> riots -> assimilation -> muslims -> evil. Which somehow ended up with her ranting on about how some cultures are not equal. I believe if by that you mean the culture of stupid people in politics, then yes I agree with you Ms Bachmann. But Bachmann and the likes of Palinites must really sell themselves in the eyes of Democrats. And by "selling", I of course really mean making an arse of themselves. Call it propaganda on the internet, but propaganda stops being propaganda when you have the surplus of fact-checking that is owed to the infinite resource of the internet that weeds out the liars.

I've seen the McCain ads on his website, listened intently to McCain's debate against Obama and Palin's own crusade against the "alien" opposition. It seems alas, that the war of words is almost like atheism and religion. McCain/Palin are preachy and love to incite fear, whilst the Obamacans have this damn habit of using numbers and figures to illustrate why they're better. As true blue conservatives continue to abandon their party, it seems more like this race has truly been reduced to that between a progressive ideology and christian fundamentalism. And it eludes and perplexes me as to why anyone who is not hugging a bible would support the latter.

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