Wednesday, April 08, 2009
  How Not to Be A Racist
So, an Iranian, caucasian, black and asian walk into a sports store. The Iranian already has the black person to agree to pose for a poster ad for a sports product all four of them are selling, but wants a caucasian to model as well so their ad doesn't appear to come from an ethnic minority sportswear club. All hell ensues in a sudden influx of political correctness.

"How can we say that? I am gobsmacked we can say that. I am offended. If I had a child and someone said: 'Sorry, you can't go in my ad campaign because you're black,' I'd kick off,"" says the 24-year old horse-faced caucasian way up in her saddle on her politically correct high horse.

The Iranian replies, "I'm Iranian, so I can say whatever I want!".

Bitch fight ensues, wrecking havoc and chaos, causing thousands of pounds worth of damages to the store. Whilst the caucasian and Iranian woman pull at each other's hair and tear at each other's faces over the correct number of coloured persons that should be allowed in an advertisement, the black and asian apathetically watch on, but totally agreeing they would want at least one white person on their poster so their product does not look like it comes from the ethnic minority sportswear club (because the first rule of ethnic minority sportswear club is you do not speak about ethnic minority sportswear club.) The black woman expresses this 'racial consent', which of course goes unheeded in the midst of the now bloodlusted cat fight. Meeeow!

After permanently disfiguring and crippling the Iranian in front of horrified bystanders, the caucasian proudly says of her distaste for the Iranian's racial insensitivity, "What sort of place do you think this is?!! We're not in bloody Vietnam!"

Sometimes irony tastes so much better than racial equality.

Sacha Baron Cohen modelling one of the many products available from the ethnic minority sportswear club.

PS: If you're still wondering, this joke was adapted, only slightly, from a reality show on the BBC. The morals of the story however still remain very very much the same.
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