...the proposition that scientific ideas are better accepted than spiritual ideas because they can be "proved" is highly dubious. We believe in atoms and dinosaurs, but has it really been "proved" to us that atoms exist and dinosaurs existed? None of us have ever seen an atom or a dinosaur, nor ever will. There are some very large skeletons that are on display in museums, but how do we know these came from animals that lived millions of years ago? Some of us use electricity generated from nuclear reactors, but in what way does this prove the existence of atoms? The connection may be clear to a nuclear scientist, but not to the human majority.
For most of us, such beliefs are merely based on faith: there are these books from the libraries that show pictures of atoms and dinosaurs, and there are these wise looking men who tell us that such things exist(ed); we accept their words because they command authority. Is this so very different from believing in the bible and the priests? Even scientists themselves have to base much of their beliefs upon faith once they move out of their own specialized domain into areas in which they are not expert.