Wednesday, October 29, 2008
  I should have seen this one a mile off
Are you unsure whether or not making lewd phonecalls to an actor about his granddaughter live on radio is bad? Do you think that it's possible that people that do such a thing are naughty men? Should the broadcaster that did nothing to stop it receive a slap on the wrists? Melanie Phillips grapples with all these taxing moral issues in a pointless article only remarkable in its volume of sniffly hissy fits. Or maybe it's just another chance to attack the BBC and its public funding. She does this a lot and is clearly getting quite tired:

"What kind of degraded cultural universe are we all now living in? What possible justification can there be for this vile behaviour, let alone putting it on air? How can the gratuitous harassment of an elderly man by foul obscenities about his granddaughter be considered public entertainment?


"What kind of society have we become in which enough people gain vicarious pleasure or entertainment from such displays to persuade cynical and unprincipled TV executives they can make huge profits from them?


"If the BBC were fit for purpose, Brand and Ross would be sacked, along with the executives who passed their horrible stunt as fit for broadcast. But, of course, that won’t happen..."

...thought people up and down the country who don't get a column in a national newspaper. Was she really paid for writing this? Seriously, this article has such a deficit of new information that I actually forgot things I already knew while reading it. And no, I didn't see the funny side of it either.
Brilliant. There I was thinking the first Mad Cow Phillips post of the year was wasted on putting her in good light, then comes the biting conclusion that even her sane opinions offer no nourishment for the mind.

PS: The 'paint drying' video was actually quite good. I'd have to say it was a close call with Simon Cowell's X-Factor.
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