Saturday, November 15, 2008
  God hates you all
Allan is not a plumber:

"Just totally baffled by his stubborn refusal to accept that his alleged ‘God given’ perspective is absolutely correct based entirely on his abortion view. As I have said before the so called prolife view of such Christians is totally myopic and contradictory when they totally ignore the non prolife life aspects[ of republican Christian conservatives regarding their ProGun and militaristic stance in terms of war etc. In other words when such people talk about pro-life [pro death]they are just focusing on the 9 months between conception and birth during which the fetus is non conscious for at least half the time as compared when the 60-80 yeAr LIFE SPAN OF A FULLY CONSCIOUS HUMAN BEING WHO CAN EXPERIENCE PAIN SUFFERING AND DEATH WHETHER IT BE THRU A GUN BELONGING TO SUCH SO CALLED PROLIFE CHRISTIANS OR THRU PRE EMPTIVE AND OTHER WARS WHICH SUCH CHRISTIANS ARE CHAMPIONING.!!!!"

It's not hard really to seem black amongst God's sheep when such believers allow rationale to get the better of them. This is a classic example of logic-based argumentation versus a faith-based one. Often enough, it's the logic-driven that faces the frustration of the opposite's lack of rationale whilst the faithful are quite comfortable leaving all responsibility to God. God's word tends to be the final say in these circumstances. Even as this frustrated soul tries to play within the rules of religion, his argument won't and never will be won. This is likely why activists such as Dr Richard Dawkins have only ever succeeded at banding the atheists together for a global attack on religion. As if we didn't have enough groups involved in this mass orgy of ideological warfare already..

Nonetheless, as erroneous as Allan's attempts are, it's great to see sheep who will not follow the herd. Truth won't be found by following other sheep who esteem themselves to be shepherds. And if one were to simply play by the twisted rules of religion, then one could freely attribute the recent election of the anti-Christ to God hating you all.
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