Tuesday, November 11, 2008
  Original thinking in the Middle East
Enough hysteria. While many in the Middle East seem to have swallowed the idea that Obama will right the wrongs of the region, Egyptian singer Shaban Abdul Rahim has called for caution:

"Now Bush is gone, and Obama has come. So what? Palestine is still occupied and Iraq is destroyed..."

...hmm. Putting aside the fact that Bush isn't gone and Obama hasn't taken power yet, Shaban Abdul Rahim's cynicism is justified. Afghanistan, Israel and Egypt will see little change under Obama, who might not emulate Bush jr but will probably do a fair impersonation of the wretched Clinton years. I could grow to like this guy. After all, we need a change in the Middle East. New thinking. An end to old prejudices. So what is our analyst's contribution to solving these problems?

"Shaban Abdul Rahim, best known for his hit single in Egypt 'I hate Israel...' "


Let's stop there. Seriously - reading the lyrics to these poetic outpourings one can see a major problem for anyone trying to campaign for justice and stable peace in the region. Legitimate grievances smothered by inarticulate, discriminatory, unfocused hatred. US presidents aren't the only key players that need to change their spots.
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