Tuesday, November 25, 2008
  Please put him out of his misery
Tomasky asks the question everyone's thinking but not saying; Do we think George Bush is, you know, working anymore?

From the Guardian:

Question: Do we think George Bush is, you know, working anymore? There's no visible sense that he's doing anything beyond the ceremonial stuff, welcoming this or that pimply teenage assemblage to investigative the White House Christmas trimmings. It appears he's mostly dreaming of the day he can get down to Texas and start swinging that driver again.

Can we take two more months of this? The DJIA keeps losing 3% (or more) a day! The bailout money is being misspent and no one from the administration has been cracking the whip on the banks.

It's almost enough to make one suspect sabotage -- just let things get as crappy as possible for the black guy. It's all got some folks I know wondering if the inauguration can be moved up so that people who will actually try something will be in charge. The answer is no, incidentally. But you'd think there would be some element of self-interest at work here for Bush, or maybe he just doesn't give a f#*@ anymore.

Well, you know what they say about American presidents now. Once you go black, you never...uh.. nevermind. It's interesting to see how the election to inauguration period has seemed to polarise the two presidents, now and future, even more obviously than ever since they effectively co-govern the country until January (I think to say America is presidentless is a bit further of a stretch). But put the two men together, and it's inevitable one will look like a genius and the other like, not a genius? Not that the latter needed any help.

But wait, it gets better. From Tomasky's blog he also shared this YouTube video of the Governor Palin interview at a turkey slaughter house. I swear she had headless turkeys bleeding dry in the background on purpose just to distract the viewer from her ranting. The interview was broadcasted by the network MSNBC which does protect your eyes from the gory bloodbath in the background. Unfortunately the same can't be said about Sarah Palin's reputation.

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