Wednesday, December 03, 2008
  Leeches need to be loved too
Sob. Nobody reads us. All those war references and sarcastic banter isn't generating an audience. And we're creepy. Which reminds me, must have more blood. But seriously, we need to get commercial to draw in the punters. What do people search for on Google these days? Aha, I know just what to do to snare some readers:


Girls Aloud...



X Factor. Britney Spears. 50 Cent...

Justin Timberlake. Rihanna. Strictly Come Dancing. Avril Lavigne... Sigh. Pinkchristinaaguilleratakethatbluewestlifepussycatdollschrisrockmychemicalromance...

Umm, hello??

FINALLY. Hello precious reader, who are you?

Oh, I was looking for Smash Hits magazine. I'll just be goin...

NOOO. STAY. Please stay.

"Gee, your blog has a scary word in the title. Are you, like, satanists?"

"No. It's, umm, ironic. I think."

"Oh. But you post about misery and death a lot. Are you guys misanthropes?"

"Maybe. But if anything, I'd like to think that we have too much love."

"Sure, whatever. You seem to hate George Bush. Are you communists?"

"Jeez. If I post something happy and sweet will you get off my f--king back?"

"Is it the new Britney Spears video? She's totally back you know."

"Dear God, NO. Anyway, she's more of a deluded wretch than ever. If you must know, it's a love song about Mario Kart. Not only is it clever but it is beautiful in a way manufactured pop will never be. I like it and so will you"

"Err...thanks. I'm, like, going now. I need to find pictures of shoes so I can stick them on my wall. You're creeping me out too."

"Hope we didn't scare you too much. Hail Satan, Kill all humans, Viva Lenin."

Maybe I think I prefer having a select group of readers. But you've gotta love that Mario Kart song.
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This guy is nothing less than awesome! It's the best thing I've seen on YouTube since the guy who emulated the Super Mario tune on electric guitar and another guy who played a rendition of While My Guitar Gently Weeps...on a ukulele. Simply amazing.

I had a browse through some of his other vids. There's a mix of some cheesier tunes but plenty of other good tunes like Everlong, I Will Follow You Into The Dark (only lit with an open fridge. Genius.) and a lovely duet in J'attendrai. Reminds me of our old jamming sessions. Minus the talent, the vocals, and throw in some out of key strings maybe. Maybe even the ocassional unplugging of leech's guitar mid-song.
The look he gives the camera at the start reminds me a bit of you, not sure why. I also like it because he rolls his eyes as if to say, "sorry folks, three minutes of emo ahead." But what a three minutes. We were good, but unless you have some hidden gift, neither of us can sing for shit.
Yea, it's amazing what you can get away with with some yarn taped to your face. ;)
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