Monday, February 09, 2009
  Is that my co-blogger in Falluja?
Leech is crazy. He'd go to the communist North Korea instead of a "normal" South Korea. He'd prefer the language barrier of South America than the endless shopping malls of North America. He'd go to Palestine and have cute little Palestinian kids make cute death threats at him than settle for the sunny beaches of Dubai.

So it does warrant a degree of curiousity when I read about Iraq's first tourist since 2003.

From the International Herald Tribune:

"The police found him in a mini-bus next to the woman who sells fresh milk, yogurt and cream door-to-door. They were very worried about him."

For the eager Marchio, that was the end of his bello viaggio in Iraq.

The police summoned local journalists to tell them of the wandering Italian, U.S. marines were pulled in and the Italian Embassy was notified.

The police quickly concluded that he was not an Italian jihadi and was a risk to no one but himself.

Yes, curious indeed. Had Leech somehow made this unannounced infiltration into the maddest of war zones under the guise of an "Italian" humanitarian aide worker? Perhaps the friend I know is only one of many faces that Amnesty International have designated this agent of human rights.

Anyway, sinister thoughts come to mind for yet another great reality show... Well, I did think of bringing Paris Hilton's British Best Friend to Bagdhad, but eventually concluded that just wouldn't get ratings because America hung the last attention whore that existed there. No, it has to be something more violent. Bloody. With plenty of suspense.

Yes! We take all the surviving winners from Park of Jurassic Dinosaurs, put them in Iraq with $20 in their pockets, make them travel from point A to point B, and call it Astonishing Race!

Austrian Airlines do fly to Erbil, Iraq. I would consider, but for the price. Kurdistan sounds quite safe, Baghdad and Fallujah sound nuts.
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