Tuesday, October 20, 2009
  30 Republicans vote against Al Franken's anti-rape amendment
From the HuffPost:

"When thirty Republicans lined up against an amendment that would have required defense contractors to allow their employees access to U.S. courts in cases of rape or sexual assault, Jon Stewart ripped them to pieces.

"I understand we're a divided country, some disagreements on health care. How is ANYONE against this?" he wondered.

It's a question, it turns out, best addressed to the White House.

The vote against the amendment has sparked outrage at the all-male, all-white bloc of thirty Republican senators. HuffPost readers have been particularly infuriated by the GOP opposition and have regularly posted the names of the offending thirty in the comment section of even unrelated stories. A mock website - www.republicansforrape.org -- has sprung up."

They do say not all Republicans have a dysfunctional moral compass, but most batshit Coulter-crazy politicians tend to be white, male Republicans. How bad could you possibly look voting against this one... In true GOP style, North Carolina GOP Sen. Richard Burr took a simple vote that would provide rape victims greater access to legal action against their employers and those involved in sexual abuse, and painted it as a "cynical attempt by the trial lawyers to eliminate arbitration agreements, which limit their fees, behind the guise of protecting women."

Of course, Franken's amendment does not limit contracted companies' rights to use arbitration as so many of the 30 white, male Rebulicans make out. But rather provides employees the right to bring their case to an open court. It'd be lazy to simply believe the 30 men who voted against this amendment are morally corrupt as to condone rape. But the motivation behind their no-vote still remains elusive to me. But whatever their reasons, it had better be a damn good one because the price you pay is looking like a complete tool on TV.

And speaking of TV, it's most certainly well worth watching the Jon Stewart report on this story (Thursday episode. UK viewers only. Available only until tomorrow.)

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