Monday, July 10, 2006
  To hot to touch: The Park of Jurassic Dinosaurs
It may not be a reality show, but ITV are about to hit us with a new prime time extravaganza. But for me it is a devastating disappointment. Prehistoric Park, with its derivative name and suspiciously reminiscent idea [the memory of BBC show Walking with Dinosaurs is not quite extinct yet] is nothing more than a softly softly cop out of The Park of Jurassic Dinosaurs. ITV, the channel that compromises most when it comes to creativity, has ruined a good idea by removing the celebrity-eating element and replacing it with time travel and animal rescue. Doctor Who + Animal Hospital + Walking with Dinosaurs?? You almost expect a ticked-off BBC executive to pop up and cry "this what WE do". ITV play it so safe that they probably wanted David Jason and Ross Kemp to take up the roles of the dinosaurs. If my grisly vision is to ever take shape Channel 4 will need to intervene and show them how it's done. Come on guys, lets make a show where Davina McCall actually has something worth screeching about.
I was watching the last episode of the F Word since Gordon Ramsay and Jeremy Clarkson in a kitchen seemed like a somewhat mildly interesting combination. I can say that there is quite rightly no educational value in his shows. Unlike real cooking shows, the F Word conveniently skips all that kitchen "nonsense" and gets straight to the business of swearing at the show's participants. I doubt Jeremy Clarkson even learnt a single thing about cooking lobsters. The only thing they showed him do was smash an egg. And even that seemingly simple task seemed to have him believe the egg shell was going to be part of the recipe.

Anyway if you don't already know, following in last year's sacrificial tradition, Gordon is giving a few pigs the illusion that they've finally escaped their bacon fate at the farm and is tenderly caring to them... until they meet the kitchen of course. Where you will learn almost nothing about making a pork chops. But at least you will know how to kill a pig.
I saw a bit two weeks ago. He kept yelling at this kid "I am NOT your fucking mate". The kid, however, never objected to Gordon calling him "big boy". The the thing with the pigs bothers me even more than the turkeys. I think he is an intolerable sadist. And you're right, there is no educational value. When he makes a recipe he lists the ingredients like a disgruntled boxing promoter but he barely tells the audience what to do with them. And finally, his no-headed campaign against other celebrity chefs, their constant TV appearances and their celebrity cookbooks. I take it he isn't exempt since those things apply to him too. Like I told that other guy, whatever talent he has in the kitchen does not translate into dealing with other people [and pigs]
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