Tuesday, March 24, 2009
  Quick, think of as many ways of population control as possible.
If your first thought was a condom, well you deserve a medal for originality.

But you see, this great nation has the previlige of an established Optimum Population Trust, another product of fantastically well-spent sum of tax dollars. This week, Jonathon Porritt, Gordon's green advisor is to announce Britain must cut its population from 61 million to 30 million in order to meet CO2 emmission targets.

“Each person in Britain has far more impact on the environment than those in developing countries so cutting our population is one way to reduce that impact.”

Population growth is one of the most politically sensitive environmental problems. The issues it raises, including religion, culture and immigration policy, have proved too toxic for most green groups.

Clearly the OPT don't hire realists. But still, there's fruit for thought in this proposal. Why immediately designate this as one for the British Nationalist Party to sort out? If one must resort to population control, then why not start at starving the leeches of taxpayer money by abolishing the welfare for jobless teeny moms with uncontrollable baby factories that still have money leftover to buy their 7th kid that shiny new PS3 for Christmas? How is that not a win-win situation...

Population control will never be a viable option as long as it is a risk to economic growth. Still I am in absolute agreement that the world could do with less people. And in this sad cultural state, it seems almost of certain doom for most children born into this world. Unless of course you are born through the uterus of your teenage mom with a Playstation controller in your hand.
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