Monday, January 11, 2010
  Frosty Tumbleweed!
Second only to its TV guide so far, is this week's article from the Daily Mail Online which reports a phenomenon occurring in Somerset amidst the freezing temperatures and iced up British islands.

"Frank Barrow, a lecturer in meteorology at the Met Office, described the exact science behind the formations and said it was nature's version of a snowman.

He said: 'They start off with a nice thick layer of snow, with the top snow just on the point of melting either because of general temperature or sunshine on the surface.

'The top snow layer becomes a bit sticky and you then need a fairly strong wind. The sticky layer can be peeled off the colder and more powdery snow underneath by the wind, forming a roll."

A Daily Mail article where the words 'snow' and 'science' logically co-exist? Someone in their office must be taking the piss.
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