Monday, January 25, 2010
  The next mission
So Clyde, that was a highly successful round of Modern Warfare 2 on Sunday morning. Ridiculously early on Sunday morning, I should add. And having checked out the competition I believe that our numerous successes, particularly in the Terminal stage, were quite an accomplishment. Certainly our tactics were far superior to those exhibited in this video:

Sure, he was playing solo, but I bet he had had a good night's sleep before playing through this stage, rather than a full day rushing around London followed by six hours of gaming powered by tea and Jaffa Cakes.

And so on to the next challenge. With the possibility of a rapidly increasing cash reward in mind, prepare yourself - to arrest Blair.

(This shouldn't be too hard - I don't think he sleeps so easily these days either).
Haha! Indeed our tactics required far more complex teamwork and sophistication rather than the one-manship displayed in this clip that got him incapacitated twice.

Also, he's not exactly playing solo as you can see his team mate quite clearly in quite a few parts with the riot shield giving support. One thing we have in common is using one guy with the riot shield to bait the enemy and draw fire while the other attacks. It also doesn't say what difficulty he was playing. Perhaps the grenade launcher is more effective but I seem to remember riot shields on the most difficult level being very RPG resistant...
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