Tuesday, January 12, 2010
  No more lies
It's a new year, and time to reassess some of our core beliefs. Having looked out of my window on several occasions, and having seen all those pictures of Britain on the news, something has jumped out at me, and as a result I have come to some pretty radical conclusions. These conclusions mean we must to rethink one of the most persistent theories propogated by the media, we must reassess our hysteria and all the money we have wasted on it. I know that the press, our elected officials and those bloody self-appointed experts have spent years rabbiting on about it, but the evidence from these pictures is irrefutable. So far only a brave few have spoken up, but the fact is we cannot fool ourselves and I for one refuse to be taken in any longer...

Well? Do you see terrorists in any of these pictures? Where are all these terrorists we keep hearing about? Don't give me any of your crap about context or what's going on elsewhere, I've looked out of my window and I can't see any terrorists. The War on Terrorism is OVER, ladies and gentlemen. WHY AREN'T WE CELEBRATING THIS?
Do you mean the UK's War on Terror? I thought the US officially ended it last summer.
Tell that to the people of Afghanistan, Pakistan and, coming soon: Yemen (Wherever they are)

Anyway, as I have established, I don't see any terrorists outside, so no matter how much 'experts' on the news prattle on about pants bombers trying to attack America (wherever that is), I know there is absolutely zero terrorist threat.
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