Monday, October 23, 2006
  CNN poll time

Finally, some light bulbs have been glowing amongst members of the government and military. US State Dept. diplomat, Alberto Fernandez, boldly said what everyone else is already thinking, but did a complete 180' on using the terms 'arrogant' and 'stupidity' to describe America's handling of Iraq. Because that's what politicians are paid to do.

Fernandez told CNN he was replying to a question about how people will assess the United States in the future, and he said he thought that was how the country would be judged.

He was defending U.S. policy in a region where everyone dislikes the United States, he said, and was doing so in an aggressive way that was faithful to U.S. policy, and trying to put it in the best light. Fernandez said he was "not dissing U.S. policy."
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